I work with stressed high achievers to find solutions to problems that keep them up at night 
Are you a senior executive or other high achiever struggling with feelings of loneliness forced on you through self-imposed isolation that also cuts you off from 'talking over' important issues with a confidant?

My name is Mike. I help high achievers address problems through drawing on what they already know but are having trouble realizing. I have techniques for delivering my service, refined and cultivated over decades of professional experience, through formal education, and most importantly, through the school of hard knocks. My service is strictly confidential - and it works. 

The kinds of problems I work on with clients are: work-life balance, managing relationships, unrealistic expectations, addressing disappointment, time-management & priority setting, thwarted ambition, and career advancement challenges.

When you are ready to find within yourself  better strategies, contact me. In the meantime perhaps take this free survey-  it is intended to give you insight. If you take the survey, I promise that your details will not be forwarded to third parties and I won't contact you again if you don't want me to.
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