About Mike

As a mature-age student who began tertiary studies at 30 and excelled as an undergraduate and postgraduate through, Mike funded his formal education through cleaning toilets, working with people with disabilities and selling computers. He later received a scholarship with stipend to undertake a doctorate.  After completing his PhD, Mike took the unusual step of returning to professional selling and consulting. He next established and sold a successful mortgage brokering business. In 2007 he was coached back into academia and completed an arduous tenure process at a leading research university where he served for eight years. Mike was later asked to be a professor at Kuwait's leading private university where he recently completed a couple of years as Head of the Mass Communication & Media  Department. His years of private enterprise and public service have instilled a deeply in-grained appreciation of excellence wherever and in whomever he finds it.

Michael Bourk is...
  an associate professor in communication and successful  business leader with a keen interest in helping self-isolated high achievers overcome personal and professional obstacles though assisting them in realizing the self-discovery of  solutions.

He believes 100% that high achievers have all the resources to solve their problems as long as they have a confidant  who wants only the best for them, and has the ability to offer laser-sharp insights synthesized from their own words. Such insights may produce exponential results.

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